5 – Stand End of Summer League with a twist @ Texas Premier Sporting Arms

As the hot summer “hopefully” comes to an end, we are gearing up for an End-of- Summer FUN 5-Stand league combined with Grillin’ & Chillin.

(5 – Week League)

Starts: Tuesday, September 11th

Ends: Tuesday, October 9th

4 pm – 7:30 pm

*last round starts no later than 7 pm.

Bring your own meat and we provide the sides! – Grill ready at 6 pm

Price:  $175 for 5 weeks ($20 back to prizes included).

Must Pre-Register.

(2) 5-Stand layouts – 50 Bird – Different Layout Each WEEK!

Two divisions based on your current NSCA Class.

Division 1: Master Class through A

Division 2: B through E Class


Three payouts in each division.

We will take your top 4 scores from the 5-Week league to determine the HOA and Lewis class winners.


Questions?!? Please Contact Rebecca Morone, 713-826-1981, [email protected]