Join us SATURDAY, January 7th, 2017

“BANG in the New Year” NSCA registered shoot

Referees for ALL EVENTS.


100 Sporting Main $75

50 Bird PreLim $45

50 Bird 5-Stand $45


All events European rotation.

Registration begins at 7:15 am (Coffee served until 9 am on a first come basis.)

Shoot Start time 8am

4-Seater Golf cart rental AVAILABLE for $95 – MUST PRE-RESGISTER ON ICLAYS before January 5th

Each shooter who PRE-REGISTERS online before Friday, Jan 6th at 5 pm will automatically be entered in a door prize and will have a GUARANTEED lunch.

(Additional lunches will be ordered but only a set amount so please plan ahead.) 


Please contact Rebecca Morone at [email protected] / Cell: (713) 826-1981 for additional questions.